How To Balance Your Life: Material Life and Spiritual Life

Material World
The material world or material life is the part of your world that involves the physical attributes in life such as owning a house, having children, having entertainment or anything else that is extrinsic. This is not to say that the material world is bad. In fact, everyone requires a material world.

The goal of this world is survival. To extend our life, our family name, status, etc. This includes financial sustainability, relationship sustainability, safety and more. It includes getting an education so that you can get the best job, the best partner, the best friends, the highest status, etc. It’s about acquiring and getting things. Again, there is no issue with these wants. We all need to address these needs and fulfill them. We need to take care of and foster these desires.
Spiritual World
The spiritual world or spiritual life is the side where you seek something from this world that is bigger than yourself. This need needs to be met too. This world includes everything outside of the five senses. Here, we are focusing on purity. This world has it’s own needs. The goal is to be grounded, purpose and a peace of mind. Essentially, connect to a higher purpose. Something that gives us faith. Something that money or fame cannot fulfill.
How to Balance

We live in two different worlds and you have to be able to move between both. And the goals are different too. You still have to make a living and live a material life because you need to survive. But at the same time, develop a spiritual life that grounds and anchors you.
Develop Gutter Guards

Like bowling, you must raise some gutter guards in your life. In bowling, you can use gutter guards, which keep the ball from going into the gutter and hence will keep you in the game. In other words, you must develop a structure for yourself. Assess your own situation and figure out what you need to set in place to be grounded. These gutter guards can include:

  • Meditation Time
  • Prayer
  • Quiet Time
  • Journaling
  • Giving (your resources or time)
  • Seeing a Counselor/Therapist
  • Daily/Weekly Chores (cleaning, meal prepping, etc.)
  • Reflecting

With these guards in place if anything major were to happen in your life, you will be okay because you developed your spiritual foundation. If someone leaves, if you lose your job, if a family member passes away, or any other major life event happens, you will be okay because you have structure. You will have the ability to go inside and ground yourself.

Lastly, be gentle with yourself. There is no need to be perfect and do all of these things at once. Or do all of them at all (I personally only journal, meditate, and do my chores). Take it slow and start small. There’s no need to set high goals for yourself. If you want to meditate, perhaps start with 5 minutes a day. If you want to start with journaling, perhaps start by journaling once per week.

In conclusion, you must ask yourself: what do I require to stay sane and grounded? And then write it all down and stay consistent.

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